Wednesday, February 17, 2010

To Count or Not to Count that is not the important question...

First of all, I learned to read the food label today or read it properly. I found out that one scoop of Now Foods Whey Protein Isolate actually contains half of the protein I thought it used to contain. Serving SIZE is 2 scoops and the given nutrition information says 50grams of Protein and I was thinking ONE scoop equals 50grams of protein. BIG mistake... This could be one of the reasons why my mass gains stalled in January until now.

The other thing I thought about was drinking milk or not drinking milk. Dairy is mucous forming but if you do colon cleanses at least once a year and eat a very balanced diet this should not be a problem at all. Last year I dropped Cottage cheese from my diet and I recently banned Yogurt because I dislike promoting the consumption of high fructose corn syrup. Writing this just gave me an idea as I could purchase Honey or Cane Sugar and add that to regular Yogurt as a sweetener myself giving me not only the ability to control the carbohydrate content but the sweetness of the mixture! The joys of writing! Long story short milk has more carbs and less proteins vs. Cottage cheese with the same serving size. Why drink milk? Screw that!

Additionally, I found that Now Food's Whey Protein Isolate sold in the 10lbs version is cheaper than the cheapest and easiest to cook meat available which is Chicken Breasts (Wal-mart).
  • Now Foods Whey Isolate: (10lbs) 50grams/$
  • Chicken Breasts: 40grams/$
  • Now Foods Whey Isolate (5lbs) 40grams/$
You decide. Chicken cooked is more tasty but slower in digestion compared to Whey which is the fastest digested protein. Cottage Cheese on the other hand contains Casein protein which is one of the slowest digesting proteins. This makes cottage cheese an ideal meal before bed because the protein is slowly digested during sleep if one does not want to wake up and eat (by the way some bodybuilders do actually wake up in the middle of the night to eat a meal... hardcore).

  1. Learn to read the food label CAREFULLY so as to not cause any confusions
  2. Get Now Food's GMP certified Whey Protein Isolate @ 10lbs
  3. Eat more Chicken (tasty)
  4. Cottage cheese is KING - back IN the diet along with non-fat PLAIN Yogurt (sweeten with Cane sugar or Honey if necessary)
Peace out

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